Edit This File

Getting started

Installing srclib

To install the src program, download one of the prebuilt binaries or build it from source (see next section).

src binary downloads:

After downloading the file, unzip it and place the src program in your $PATH. Run src --help to verify that it's installed.

To install the standard set of language analysis toolchains (Go, Ruby, JavaScript, and Python), run:

src toolchain install-std

By default this installs the toolchains for Ruby, Go, JavaScript, and Python. To skip installing toolchains you don't care about, use --skip, as in src toolchain install-std --skip javascript --skip go.

If this command fails, please file an issue.

Now, src toolchain list should show the toolchains you just installed.

Building from source

First, install Go (version 1.3 or newer).

Then download and install src:

go get -u -v sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/srclib/cmd/src

Next, you must install the language toolchains: src toolchain install-std. By default this installs the toolchains for Ruby, Go, JavaScript, and Python. To skip installing toolchains you don't care about, use --skip, as in src toolchain install-std --skip javascript --skip go.

Now, src toolchain list should show the toolchains you just installed.

Next steps

Download an editor plugin

If you are interested in using the editor plugins that we have available, check out the Editor Plugins section of the documentation. Currently, Emacs Sublime Text and Atom are supported, and support for more editors is coming soon.

Build on srclib

If you want to help build/improve editor plugins, or simply hack on srclib, read through the docs on Building on srclib.

Contribute to srclib

Finally, if you want to help build out the language analysis infrastructure, make sure you're familiar with the API. Then, read closely over the Creating a Toolchain section.